Sorry about the lamp-post in the photo, but do you know how hard it is to take a photo in my street without a bloody lamp-post getting in the way!
Regular readers will notice that today I am a few posts short of a blog. There is a good reason for that. My mother who lives with me is getting a few posts short of a blog herself!
One of the more interesting highlights of the day was her total conviction that I was deliberately lying to her by informing her that August is "08" and not "06".
No it's not I was told. Trying gently to convince her I was right had little effect. I was deliberately trying to confuse her apparently. She then went on to "prove" to me that August is "06" by counting out the months on her knuckles. I don't quite know how she did it, but each time it somehow worked out at - yep you guessed it - "06".
In the end I told her to phone up talk-back radio and ask them - she always believes everything they tell her.
Fortunately she didn't take my advice because if she had, they would have told her that yes, August is "08" but it's all the fault of the state government, Muslim extremists, Iran and Jihad Jack. Heads must roll and the Premier should call for a judicial enquiry.
I'm out of here - Janis Joplin and a glass of Talisker are calling my name. And if that doesn't work...
...Beam me up Scotty!
Wherever you may be - be safe!