Saturday, December 09, 2006

David Hicks: Images from Sydney's "Bring David Home" from Guantanamo rally

Tonight's photos: Sydney's "Bring David Home" protest march.

I wasn't going to post tonight but as I returned from a day out I came across the rally to mark the fifth anniversary of Australian terror suspect David Hicks' detention at Guantanamo Bay.

I hadn't expected to come across the rally and was totally unprepared to take photos. I was also a bit reluctant to get close enough to be able to do so, until I thought, "Oh sod it - in for a penny, in for a pound" and went as close as I was able.

I did notice that a number of the marchers were giving me concerned looks as I snapped away, yet took no notice of the official press photographers who were even closer and more persistent.

Perhaps it was not a good idea for a guy with close cropped hair, reflective sunglasses, wearing a St Louis Cardinals polo shirt and a New York Mets cap, to take photos at a rally with an anti-Bush focus!

And I was on their side!

Wherever you may be - be safe